2 ways to skin a cat – the Penken Kombibahn

Offer me the chance to glide into line and be picked up by a padded chair lift or alternatively take off skis, walk to and climb into a cabin, then I would chose the former ever single time no matter what the weather. With my 2 year old son in tow it would be as clear a choice the other way. So the Penken Kombibahn offers twin access points to a single cabled route that is populated with both chairs and gondolas. The result is a highly flexible, high capacity lift that serves both the needs and preferences of different mountain users and seasons. In the summer the gondola carriages are perfect for summer hikers and paragliders whilst in the winter the combination of options on the Kombibahn allow the predominantly winter sports user the chance to select comfort and convenience as opposed to warmth and security. The 8-person chair lifts that run alongside and in conjunction with the 10 person gondolas can shift 3900 people per hour. Additionally there are ‘open’ gondolas that allow views and photo options in the summer that also run on the system.